Blue Moon

Last Update: November 20, 2010

I have a few places that I like to watch for obscure postings. is one of them.

I have been hearing rumors about a Blue Moon this month but couldn't figure out why when there was only one full moon this month, there would be a Blue Moon.

Well, I just happened on this article.  This explains it all.

So if your efforts occur once in a Blue Moon.  You better get busy.


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Louise M. Premium
Nice! I love stuff about space and planets. Blue Moon makes me think of the jazz standard "Blue moon/You saw me standing alone/Without a dream in my heart/Without a love of my own". :)
Labman_1 Premium
Mr. Billee.
Check the reference. It explains the reasoning behind tonight's Blue Moon.
mr.billee Premium
blue moon u- caught me standing all alone,actually aBLUE MOON is when there r-2-full moons during a 1-month period.
Labman_1 Premium
Grabbed a gray moon picture off the web, pulled it into Gimp and added a transparent blue background to enhance the color. Probably could have left it a bit more colored but I think it gets my point across.
jatdebeaune Premium
That was interesting. Would love it if the moon were blue (color) on those days.