Branding from Guy Kawasaki

Last Update: May 26, 2012
If you have an hour to spare, Guy Kawasaki has a good presentation on Branding with Google +.

For those that are ready to develop a brand.

Craig H.
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jatdebeaune Premium
I'll check it out later this afternoon. Thank you.
BIS Premium
Great video - although his delivery always drives me up the wall. Thanks for sharing.
Sielke Premium
hahaha, beverly I think thats part of his branding
Sielke Premium
Craig, great video! I actually signed up for Google+ a few weeks ago and I had the exact same thoughts as Guy, Google+ is well designed. The whole branding thought of social media is exactly how I use social media and the web as a whole. I'm glad you posted this so that I can confirm and strengthen my thoughts on the subject.
Labman_1 Premium
Your Welcome, One of the few I follow. I'm still trying to figure out this whole piece of the puzzle. I know I'm missing something somewhere.