Broke my site...s

Last Update: March 24, 2012

Well, messing around with my cpanel at the hosting company, I made a boo-boo.

Didn't even know what I had done until I logged in here and got a heads up from Apina.

Thanks for the heads up, and thanks Be Healthy for noticing.

and of course since two other sites were buried in the sub directories, these were unreachable as well.

After several hours of determined effort and removing all the passwords and setups that I did last night, I finally found the right one.  Guess I need to be rested to work on this stuff.

Lost the better part of the day.  Now to get started on what I had on my list 8 hours ago.

Every day is a learning experience.  Some days are better than others.  At least now I have a pretty good handle on the back end of my sites.  This will be helpful in the future.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Great accomplishment Craig. Getting a handle on the back end of your sites to me is like climbing a mountain and getting to the top, and embedding your flag securely in the highest point. Now you own it. Congratulations!
Labman_1 Premium
Well, I have it on long term lease at least.