
Last Update: September 09, 2010

Well, its finally that day.  The Chrysalis' that I have been nurturing for 10 days are breaking out.  So now, I have Monarch Butterflies.  I tagged them and have set them out on my bush to dry their wings and begin their Journey South.

  So far 6 of the 18 Chrysalis' have hatched.  I expect more tomorrow. Then a few days more the rest will probably be ready.  I still have 5 Caterpillars eating away so this project will last for at least a couple of more weeks.

 Check out my Squidoo lens on this called Raising-Monarch-Butterflies.

 So, what does this mean for my IM.  Well, I guess its time for me to break out too.  I spent the day over at Jennifer's website ( wish I hadn't told myself to spend no more money)  But I'm writing articles and trying to figure out the Backlink thing.  I bet there will be a sale soon.  If not, I'll just keep at it and something's gotta break.


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Sherion Premium
Thanks for the update. I checked in on you and your lens the other day. I wish I could do this. I don't think I can here at this motel. Best Wishes to You.