Decision Time

Last Update: October 04, 2010

I did my research and found some keywords.  Did some research into the competition and what did I find?

I found a product that is available that is better than the one for sale.  And guess what, its available at no charge to the general public.  No subscription, no fee of any kind.

So, I put on my thinking cap and decided that I WOULD NOT promote this product.  I hope that others out there will make the same decision that I have.

I can live my life with integrity or become a money grubber.  I choose integrity.

A sale would be nice but the cost was too high.

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BradB Premium
Right On Labman.......

Funny too I had a business meeting with my heart-throb business partner.......MY WIFE........jeesh.!

Anyway she asked me what I wanted to see happening with what I do online and what I wanted was emails and communications from people thanking me for the intro to the product or service.

Not the over excited and very short term thing you see from info products where people are simply reacting from a hype high,...but a long term benefit......that of course means they tell others.

Harder to find in this affiliate business but worth the effort.
I like you Labman, have I will miss you but because of what I just wrote I cannot continue to promote this deal at any price.
Take care of your buddies.;-))
Felio Premium
A person with INTEGRITY commands respect. You made the the right decision. Keep it up! We need more members like you in WA.
reefswimmer Premium
Hey Labman---it is always so good to see choices made in the direction of integrity . Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I think that lots of times people make these honest and courageous choices, but then don't tell anyone. And I bet you get sales aplenty---with other products.
diane, reefswimmer
jatdebeaune Premium
Totally agree. Integrity and practical too. If there is something better for free and people find it, then your effort is wasted.
skyla Premium
Good decision, by the way I love your dogs. I have two labs one yellow, one black!