Doing Something Right

Last Update: July 29, 2011

I was contacted this week by a manufacturer of one of the product lines that I'm promoting.

Now this took me a bit by surprise  as I didn't think I was doing well enough to make a splash with the IPad cover crowd.  Apparently I'm doing well enough to get noticed.

Now if I can just get some more traffic.



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CathyLou Premium
Congrats! Its nice to know you're doing something right, right? :)
Praise Premium
Congratulations on your success!
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks ladies. Yup fambly is wonnerful. Wife is back from her Alaska trip with a freezer full of Halibut, Bears didn't get her. Pictures galore. GD is getting baptized in the morning.
Louise M. Premium
That's great news!! :)
Sherion Premium
Great. You will get more traffic. Best of Wishes to You. Hope your family is doing well. Sherion