Expanding on a Hunch

Last Update: October 26, 2010

I was reading one of the tutorials available in the system site map today. "Million Dollar Niches" is the name of the tutorial/e-book.  I grabbed a piece of it to illustrate what you may find to do with Hunch.com.

Stated differently, demographics define the qualities of those people who may *need*
your product, while psychographics are the qualities of those who may not only need but
also *want* your product. Before you target your market, profile your customer -- your
perfect customer. You can start by conducting some marketing research among your
current client base, potential clients and clients of other similar products or companies.
But never underestimate the gold mine that can be found in your own backyard – your

The bottom line is that Hunch.com should be able to assist you with your marketing research by identifying the psychographic qualities of your market.


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Fallulah Premium
Ok, I've got to go look this up :)
jatdebeaune Premium
I'm joining Hunch.com as well. Market research is of major importance. So far my market research as been "me". I'm my customer, but other styles of psychographic types are my customers too. Thanks Craig. Gold to you.
WRI Premium
Awesome Labman ! Gold for You ! I too am now following Hunch.com. Knowing how your market thinks is vital.
famousplumber Premium
Thanks for the heads up. I just now signed up at Hunch.com.