Filtering your Internet experience

Last Update: May 28, 2012
Think your Google results are the same as everyone else?

Probably not.

Here's a TED presentation that I found interesting.
Only 10 minutes long so give it a look.
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Helle Premium
Thank you Sielke. I've seen this some time ago but totally forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me. Very interesting info !!
Deezdz Premium
Hey Craig :).

I really enjoy watching the vids at and thoroughly enjoyed this one.

A few weeks ago I purchased a brand new mattress. Before doing so, did some research on-line.

3 weeks later, I'm still getting mattress ads pop up everywhere on my screen whenever I search different topics. Now I realize this vid wasn't about advertising, but rather search results being tailored to the individual, but its very obvious 'they' are tailoring EVERYTHING we do on-line.... and I'm sure to a much greater extent then we even realize.
jaymekl Premium
I did not realize the extent to which my experience of the internet is being shaped for me. I agree that I hope those who do te shaping are paying attention to how devastating this can e to the overall concept of the internet. I want to be connected to reality, not someone's idea of "my" reality.
Sielke Premium
This was a very eye opening video. Not that I didn't know this already but what it really did was kind of show me the problems of this type of content tailoring. I myself have worked on numerous algorithms for my sites and my clients sites trying to tailor the page to the user. Where as I feel that its still a great idea to somewhat tailor content I will think really hard of what I do. Of course I think theres a difference between Google and something that I do. I feel that Google is the hub of information, it shouldn't be biased and I understand that they are trying to be as relevant as possible and yes this is great but there needs to be somethings that aren't biased such as news feeds and such.
Labman_1 Premium
I absolutely agree. I hope that the powers that be are listening to this.