
Last Update: November 16, 2010

I finally got a site that feels like it is complete enough to get some traffic.

It looks really amateurish to me but I'm sure it will get better as I tweek it.

The important thing is that I'm online and everything appears to be monetized and operational.

 What did I learn?

Well, I learned how to create a custom Header, I learned how to put a graphic up, I learned how to find products to promote, how to get the links on a page, how to optimize a site for SEO, how to install and activate plugins, how to change themes.  There are all sorts of stuff here that I have never even thought about before. 

So if you look back in my posts to the 4 levels of learning (Oct 15th) now, instead of Unconscious Incompetence, I have now reached Conscious Incompetence. Now I know that I don't know something.  I have an inroad or two into competence but still a Loooooong way to go.

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kh_sim Premium
Congrats on having another brick build on your Internet House!
WRI Premium
Show your site as an example please, we need that .
Can you post a link to your site? What are you promoting?
Sherion Premium
Labman you are funny. I am going to remember those two words conscious incompetence. LOL I am sending you gold for that one. I
hampushm Premium
Congratulations on becoming conscious of your incompetence.. lol! Sounds like you've come a long way and learned a who bunch of new stuff. Keep at it, even though the conscious incompetence part can be the most frustrating, and I'm sure you'll get there!