Had to share

Last Update: June 08, 2011

Yup, I love my wife.  Yup Yup.

In her infinite wisdom she decided that getting a hot tub for the wedding would be a good idea. ( I inwardly groaned when I heard this news)  Yup, Yup, I love my wife.  So off she went to Craig's list ( really wish I was this Craig) and found one.  Made me drive to kingdom come to see it. ( Didn't like it) Then I went to work and whittled down the choices.  Found one at a reasonable cost within 10 miles of home.

 So, we popped over to see this one and liked what we saw.  Last Saturday I lined up 4 of my closest friends ( actually it appears I need more friends) and we went to pick it up.  Well, we were bested by this monster. 

 I spent the rest of the weekend getting a pad leveled and gravel in place and compacted to give me somewhere to put it. ( was going to do this after the tub was sitting in the yard)  Nothing like shoveling a yard of gravel in the rain.

So I dropped back and decided to have the local expert get it and deliver it.( Now it's starting to get expensive)  He told me he could accommodate me on Thursday.  Last night he called and said he had a cancellation and today works.

 I had customers in from Vermont today for a marathon meeting and couldn't just pick up and take time off so I finagled my neighbor into helping out.(Hand him the check).  He said early afternoon.  I came home for a quick visit at noon only to find the crew here, the tub in place and everything hunky dory.

Now all I have to do is plug it in.  Well, actually, I need to get a new breaker, add it to the house circuit, run 70 feet of 8 gauge4 conductor wire, connect it to a GFCI and run it out through conduit to the tub.  Saturday will be busy.

 Guess I need to get busy and finish up this 30 in 30 so I have time to play electrician.  If all goes well, I'll be lounging in my new tub come Wednesday.

Still no new Grandchild and now I have another deadline for the Wedding.  I love my wife Yup, Yup.


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iw99 Premium
best wishes for the wedding buddy. Hope you enjoy the hot tub
Sherion Premium
Women. What can we do next? lol
Best Wishes to You and your whole family Labman.