Happy May Day

Last Update: May 01, 2011

It's now May, and I'm 9 mos. into this IM thing.

I seem to be a bit behind others but I have learned a huge amount in this time.

I have a few partially developed Niches and am working toward rankings and adding content daily.

I'm ranking well with the Member Ranks although this doesn't really mean anything to my income, it does indicate that I have helped many people here.  I feel good about this and hope that those who I have helped are appreciative.

 I snagged a job recently so I'm finding my time is more precious.  I'm doing what I can but it is a bit frustrating when I want to be working on this stuff and have to spend my days making others rich. Fortunately, I now have some funds to expand my online business ( or I will have soon).

I'm finding Street Articles to be a godsend and am ranking well there as well,  the articles I have written are getting great traffic and CTR is pretty good for most articles.  My article writing is getting faster once I can settle in on a topic.

KW research seems to be working well too.  I want to make sure that Kyle and Carson understand how much I appreciate the tools that they have provided here.  I have checked other tools ( Only the freebies) and find them seriously lacking in functionality.  Since I found WA first, I wasn't taken down another path before I found WA but I'm finding it to be everything I had hoped when I signed up.

I want to put some good words in here for Jay and Markus as well, you guys are amazing.  Thanks for all of your help.  Jennifer as well although her help has been indirect.  Care to update your resources pointing at somewhere other than Squidoo?(Seems like they are not as useful as in the past)

 Thanks to Barbara, Joan, Louise and everyone else that provides motivation and inspiration.  You folks make this place exceptional.


OK, I'm done.  Enjoy the festivities if your town engages in the Spring celebration.

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