How do you feel about WA Gold?

Last Update: April 07, 2012

I for one miss that the WA Gold has disappeared.  I appreciated that it was a way to say thanks to those members that provided help.

It also was a nice way to know that people were getting value for your efforts.

How do you feel about the WA Gold System?



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Ripley Premium
Getting "gold" let me know that I really helped someone and it made me feel good. It's definitely an asset to WA. What happened to the money we lost in gold?
muskyblood Premium
I did not know it was gone. That sucks, I agree that it was a nice way to say thank you for helping out.
dataplextech Premium
I'm a strong believer in the WA gold. And you're right, it was a way for people to say "thank you" and it made me feel that my efforts were appreciated.

For me the gold system went even deeper though. Many of you have noticed that I came up with my own use of WA gold. My strategy was to help as many people as I could, building up my own little Fort Knox where I could then do something even better for the community:

> I used 200 gold to help abailey and danwardrope launch their first product last September.

> I used over 200 gold for the "competition" in Canucks' thread last month. I can't think of a better way to use WA gold.

> I've used the gold to help a few people pay their memberships dues.

> I've used gold to donate to charities.

> And sometimes, for the heck of it, I just distribute gold to members active in the forums so that they have gold to pay out to someone else.

I still have about 500 gold left and had two more "special events" planned and scheduled. Doing away with the gold system without sufficient notice wasn't right.

I'd love to know K&C's rationale for killing the gold system.

DkWinter Premium
I think they are using the Vegas conference as an incentive to get people to help others out.

I also think they are trying to change the whole mentality to one of helping each other out. The success of WA-OEP is going to be based on everyone helping each other.
jatdebeaune Premium
The gold has many applications, not just to say thank you for help received, though that too. Whenever someone needs money help, or is collecting for a worthy charity, the gold provides some revenue. We can all contribute, and it feels good to pay it forward. I amassed some gold and spread it around, but I never cashed it. I think if a person has earned gold by doing something nice, then it belongs to them. Done deal. Should not be taken away.
BIS Premium
I think it should be bought back.

Research has long since shown that people are motivated in large part by someone saying thank you for what they have done. No one's going to make a fortune through the gold, but I think it's important people have a way of saying thank you when someone has helped and WA should acknowledge that.

Otherwise there is a real risk that people who answer lots of questions on a regular basis (and we are a relatively small band who do) will feel used and may be reluctant to keep giving our time for nothing.
CSmith1 Premium
I agree with what you're saying Beverly, for me WA Gold was never about the value but the thank you acknowledgement.
the filbert Premium
! agree, a useful means to say "thank you"
jchilders Premium
I agree that it was useful for saying 'thank you', but if someone I was helping just said 'Thank You' in chat or on the thread, that was good enough for me. I don't need a 'symbol' of thanks.

So the gold system disappearing doesn't really bother me that much as long as people here at WA stay cordial and at least SAY thank you to each other.