Just had to share

Last Update: November 18, 2010

I was procrastinating today.  I had about 4 things going at once and got myself overwhelmed.  I know, I know, one thing at a time.

Well, since I have been neglecting the housework, I got out the vacuum and started sucking up all the hair that 5 dogs generate over the course of a week. ( and they aren't even shedding that much).  Finished the main room and moved into the bedroom, Found a huge dust bunny under the bed, and a book.

Hmmm, what's this thing.  Turns out it was a book I borrowed from my brother a couple of years ago.  "Multiple Streams of Internet Income" by Robert Allen.  I vaguely remember borrowing it but don't ever recall reading it.  So, I checked out the TOC.  Then I scanned the  first chapter.  It seems that he got his start somewhere else but was using the same training materials that are espoused......wait for it...... at Wealthy Affiliates.  In fact, he is using some of the same examples that I have read here.  Now I don't know if there is plagerism at work here, but I was pleasantly surprised to find the same material here only at a much deeper level. 

His first experiment was to create 24K in 24 hours.  Well, seems he had a list of 11,000 subscribers to help him on his way ready and waiting for his product launch.  94K in 24 Hours was the result.

 Of course I'm going to scan it over to see if he has anything new to say but I expect that a 275 page book won't meet the wealth of information that we have at our fingers here at WA.  AND, I know they don't have Jay.

 Thanks for listening.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Jay rocks!
WRI Premium
Sound principles are timeless. Even though the technique may differ at points the fundamentals remain the same, This is truly the best ever time to be in WA.