Last Update: February 21, 2011

Went for a team training yesterday.

We sat through a lecture and demonstration of the capabilities of 

Mercy Flight Central 

As a member of a Search and Rescue Team we may find ourselves in need of a landing zone for the evacuation of a lost hiker etc.

We got to learn the needs of the pilot when interacting in emergency situations and evacuations.  We learned how they would like the patients packaged for transport.  We even looked at the capabilities of each of their aircraft.

 When finished we were each able to set up a landing zone, identify hazards for the pilot  and provide markings for the pilot to assist with landings etc.

 The big take away, Respect the tail rotor.  Even if you can't see it.  I figure if given the opportunity I will stay in front of the helicopter.  I don't relish becoming "pink smoke".

If you find yourself with the need to donate to a charity.  This is a worthy cause.  Consider this or your local Air Rescue service for donations.


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