Milestone Reached

Last Update: December 06, 2010

Grrr.  Got bumped by the login again.

So, I guess I gotta start all over again.  Gonna have to have a talk with K&C about the way they handle login timeouts.  I'm sure there is another way to do this that is more user friendly.

 Anyhow, Ezine has told me that I'm out of submissions.  I guess this is a good thing.  Didn't expect to see that message when I submitted #10.  I thought I could continue to place things in the que.  It will be interesting to see if they appreciate the quality of my submissions enough to grant me Platinum with only 10 or if I need to up my game and give them the next 25 before I get to that point.

 I played around with some social marketing sites and submitted the approved articles to them.  Rudimentary backlinking I know but its my first attempt and now that I have Google Analytics running on my sites I can see what difference it makes. Tweeked my most recent Squidoo Lens  to point it to my Daily Bark.  Should start to get some traffic there soon.  I'm trying to decide if I should branch out and add Adsense to my Blog.  I have always found Adsense to be obtrusive and I'm not sure I want that on that site.  Still considering that.  I'd love to hear some opinions but I just finished reading Joan's last post so I have seen a few recent opinions on that.

 Patiently awaiting the WAbinar.  (NOT) I can't wait for another tool!

 Update:  E-Zine granted me Platinum.  Yay!

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Labman_1 Premium
Well, who woulda guessed it. I have several more ready for when they open up the que again. I may just start submitting to a different directory. Doesn't really need to be all in Ezine.
robert2704 Premium
Don't stop writing while you wait for upgrade. You'll probably get the 25 articles next. Continue writing. Save the articles to a folder for EZ2b-Submitted or something. Once you get the green light to add more articles. Open your folder and blast them in. You'll have platinum in no time. They need your business as much as you want theirs. Good Luck!
jatdebeaune Premium
EZA usually bumps you up to Basic Plus or Platinum, depending upon if you broke any rules in the first 10 articles. Whatever they do, just keep writing and submitting articles. Different takes on AdSense. If you can put up many sites and get them going, then maybe you can build an AdSense business, but it really is a numbers game. I think the reason people like it is because once set up, they leave the sites alone, and they build passive income. I had it on one of my sites and it was a nuisance. Didn't earn anything. Some of the ads were direct competition, so they took people away from my site for nothing. If your site is to sell things, I don't like AdSense for the reason I noted.