Monarch Butterfly in training

Last Update: August 27, 2010

It's that time of year again.  What time is it?  Well, the kids are going back to school, the weather is starting to feel like fall is in the air.  Mist hangs low over the roads in the morning.  And....the Monarch caterpillars have hatched.

This has nothing to do with WA and everything to do with WA.  When they hatch, they are little eating machines.  Munch, munch, munch,  fill your belly ( or brain) with all the nutrition (information) that is available and grow to your fullest potential.  When it is time  hold up into your Chrysalis and Transform.  When you emerge... Voila.  A new creature full of potential and promise.

  So far my little friends are at the eating stage.... I'll keep you updated on their progress.  Perhaps mine will parallel their progress but I expect the timeline will be a bit longer.

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Fallulah Premium
I feel I'm still at the eating stage and like Louise I love this metaphor and it's truly one I've never heard before [lol]! I sure would like updates with pictures as well if possible so I can see how well I'm keepng up!
Labman_1 Premium
Well my Chrysalis' have started to form and mature. I have 17 Chrysalis' sitting on display stands over my desk to remind me to stop eating and start transforming.
Labman_1 Premium
Popped out to visit the Milkweed this afternoon. Picked up another dozen caterpillars. Guess my timing was pretty good.
Louise M. Premium
I like the metaphor. and the picture! what a wonderful stripe pattern! :)