
Last Update: August 29, 2011

I'm having a rough week.  Popped over to VT for a startup.

This means 14 hour days and working through the weekend.

Hey it's a job!

In the meantime, my old dog is failing fast and I should be home taking care of her.  Frustrating to be stuck in Podunksville.  With any luck I'll get home in time.

I'm wishing my IM profession was further along so that I don't need to do this stuff anymore.  Living out of a suitcase and being at my employers beck and call is not a happy place.

Ah, Incentive!

Not even able to keep my eyes open long enough to search for new IM adventures.  Sorry if I'm a downer tonight.  Oh, and Irene is due here tomorrow.  Should be an interesting day.  Hope the power stays on. 


Update:  My old Girl has gone to the Rainbow Bridge in the sky.  I'll Miss You Gabrielle. I guess it's time to update my photo.  If I ever get home again.

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Sherion Premium
Leave the photo Craig. I am used to seeing all of those dogs. But you could get another dog and call it Irene!
mywa32 Premium
You are not alone, there are so many of us that do get frustrated but there are good days too. And soon enough when we've come further along the good days will outweigh the frustrating days.

I also thought you were typing words from my head. Very well put "relaxing_piano"
relaxing_piano Premium
I understand the frustration as well and almost thought you were typing words from my head.
muskyblood Premium
Hang in there Craig, literally with Irene coming... It is just a matter of time before your IM skills allow you to do the things you want. Keep at it and I am sure you will be full time and full of success soon. Have you ever considered jumping into the local SEO market? Hoping you stay safe while the cane draws near.
jatdebeaune Premium
Just stay well through it all Craig. I understand the frustration. Btw, we're going through the hurricane right now. It just started. Would be great not to lose power. Stay safe.