Please Offer your Advice

Last Update: September 18, 2011

I've been working hard on my site IPad Cover Review.

 Thanks to Jay's review and my efforts, I have it ranking 13 in the Google SERPS.

 Now, when this site was briefly on page 1 it was converting nicely for me( at least it was getting click throughs)

If anyone has a tweak or recommendation for how I might gain these last few ranking positions, I would love to give them a try and see if I can get this site up to the Front Page.

Please offer any ideas no matter how small.

Thanks in advance.

Craig H.

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Super Al Premium
Hi Labman! It's cool that your site is similar to my new site: How long has your site been up? Have you made any sales?
Labman_1 Premium
When I was on page 1 I made quite a few sales. Still trying to get off page two and back in the money.
mommy42 Premium
Hi Labman! Nice site. :) I liked your review of the different products but thought if you had a link to click to to either buy what you are recommending right there in those first paragraphs or a link to click on for more information it would be helpful.

You mentioned gelaskins (sorry if I misspelled that) in the first paragraph and I have to admit I didn't know what you were talking about. But noticed that you talk about it further down the page. Maybe you could have a clickable link that would take you to more info on it? That way you don't lose a visitor because they didn't scroll down the page.

I hope that helps. As a visitor I want to read the info and then have a link to click to go there, read more, or buy!! :)
LumiAirE Premium
If I may offer my advice, from what I understand about converting visitors the first few seconds they arrive on your site your supposed to grab they're attention, not only that but make sure you tell them what they need to know right away. What do I mean by this ? If I visit your site which I have, I want to know what you can do for me, not what your site offers, no offense, but if I want to find information on various products I may never land on your page and even if I do I'm probably early in the buying cycle. You get clicks but not enough sales that way, you want me later in the buying cycle I've already decided what I want and your going to give It to me with sugar on top understand what I'm getting at here. I need to know If I purchase the product from your site, your going to take care of me, treat me like a king so to speak. Having said all that I'm not expert, but I am a shopper myself and quite often buy online, once I decide to actually buy something and this can take time, I feel sorry for the in between sites I use just for the information. We here can learn from that though and make sure we capture our visitors later in the buying cycle, that way It's the other guy or website that wastes It's time selling only to lose the sale to your site. In closing I just want to say, everything I'm telling you I've read here, I'm just passing it along, maybe you knew this and forgot, maybe you never knew this, either way I think this info can help your site convert more visitors. I hope this does help you out, have a most excellent day.
Incognito Premium
Hi Craig, I believe most would probably say - keep building backlinks with your targeted keyword as the anchor text, as well as some LSI's. I would also concentrate on reverse engineering what your competitors are doing and do the same only that much better. Those are my two cents, hope it helps.