Quality Content

Last Update: April 05, 2011

Recently it has been suggested that quality content requires 400 words or more.  Well, I just happened to be watching a PBS special on the war between the states.  You know the (un)Civil War.

 The wrap up hit me between the eyes.  It seems that quality content can be delivered in somewhat less than 400 words.  269 to be exact.  

It's called the Gettysburg Address.

 Granted it was delivered by a master orator.  Although he was not thought of in those terms in November of 1863.

 I'm just sayin'.


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WRI Premium
I think Guns and Roses made that point also.. there is often more to music than meets the ear .. as a speak read and heard rings truth.
burntout Premium
"the world will little note nor long remember what we say here..."
Devan Premium
I agree whole-heartedly :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Got a good point there. Quality, not quantity.