
Last Update: May 30, 2011

Seems I contracted a spring cold.  Maybe it was an allergic reaction to something.  Either way a long weekend almost took care of it.

Got behind in the 30 in 30 tasks so I was feeling under the gun there too.

Its all better now.  Banged out 6 articles, 2 are still pending. ( I really have to stop submitting them in the middle of the night)  This should provide a wonderful bonus tomorrow.(50 Articles submitted to SA)  Only 9 more to go and 10 days to get them done.

 My keyword research yesterday yielded a pearl of unimaginable potential.  11100 average searches per mo.  Easy to integrate into multiple topics and a competition of 230.  I'm beside myself with excitement.  It's amazing how easy it is to integrate into articles.

Just enjoying life this weekend.

Took Gracie down to the parade this morning.  Haven't worked her in crowds much.  She did wonderfully.  Not a big fan of the drum section though.  Didn't pounce any small children, met a couple of well mannered dogs without issue, visited nose to nose with a horse (her first encounter) and was walking well at heel on a loose leash the whole time.

 One bad note.... 3 raw chicken thighs went missing while I was checking the Grill.  Hmmm, I wonder who ..... I suspect Elphie or the Hound guess I should be more careful.

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muskyblood Premium
Sounds like some promising KW research was done. You know, I am a dog lover myself. I adopted a pit/chessie mix a few years ago, but had to put her down because she tore both back acl's. Woulda been 6k to fix, and I could not do that. She was an awesome dog, and I really enjoyed training her. I was able to train her to heel like a soldier on or off leash. Once I hit the "Free" command she was balls to the wall! That was her demise, she only had 1 speed and it was grease lightning... I will adopt another when my kids get a bit bigger. I guess I gotta stop having kids first though :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Craig, Glad you're feeling better and making such good progress with the 30/30 challenge. I've given up on it due to technical problems with SA. Most has been fixed, part of it anyways, but too late to meet the deadline. It's OK. I'll just submit articles as they are ready.