The 4 levels of Learning

Last Update: October 15, 2010

I don't recall where I picked this up.  I'm sure it was a parental tape as Dad was a Psychologist.

 There are 4 levels of learning:

1. Unconscious Incompetence- You don't know that you don't know something

2. Conscious Incompetence- You know that you don't know something.

3. Conscious Competence- You know something and know that you know it.

4.Unconscious Competence- You know something so well that it now is second nature.

 Most of us here ( well some of us) have passed step 1 and are now off and running with step 2.  Some have reached step 3.  And a select few (see low member ranking) have reached step 4.

The problem for most step 4 levels is that they can't chunk down to level 1 and 2 because it now is resident in their unconscious.  I for one, am grateful that this is not the case with WA.  

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DavidTT Premium
wow that's pretty deep! we should be friends =D haha
Labman_1 Premium
Hey I like the BFG handle. I may have to steal that one for something.
jatdebeaune Premium
Can't wait for level 4. I'm all over the place.
Louise M. Premium
Nice one ButterflyGuy (lol). I think I'm at level 3 right now, which feels good. :)
WRI Premium
So true Labman, Humility in success is a virtue and a very positive trait. No matter how successful we are or may become we should never forget we once knew nothing and had to progress the steps, as we reach out to those whom are where we once were.