Where does the time go?

Last Update: January 04, 2011

Taking a break from working.

Today's task:  The history of dog training in 2000 words or less.

whew.  The hardest part is going to be limiting the verbiage.

Research is fun but takes time.  Writing is fun but takes time.

If I had more money I could outsource this stuff but until I do the initial work I'm stuck with a glut of tasks and a finite day.

Ranked # 20 in 48 hours.  Stuck on page 2.  Adding content and posts as fast as I can but I still run out of day before I run out of things to do.

 How come 2011 couldn't have longer days?

I could become more efficient but  then I would miss out on all this fun.


BTW Ivan Pavlov was a GOD.

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Pounders Premium
I find myself asking that same question. But, I wish you luck on writing your article on dog training with
Alex J Premium
Efficiency is key! Good luck on getting the dog training article finished and under 2k words!
morlandroger Premium
Back at work now so even less time to do my IM. One day I WILL quit the day job. :-)
When you find out, please let me know. It seems to be escaping me too! Especially this holiday season!
DABK Premium
I think all my time's being shipped off to China. Each year there's less of it.
Maybe I should learn to make it for less, huh?