Youth Archery

Last Update: May 08, 2012

Well folks, I guess a few of you are wondering what I've been up to with the URL that I purchased during the WAbinar.

For those of you that didn't catch the URL it is

I'll be updating my progress for you as it develops so that you can follow along.

Just so that you have a bit of background this is not an entirely new topic for me. I spent many hours out in my backyard pulling a bow. My parents bought all the boys toy bows when we were 7,8 and 9. My younger brother and I got the bug. My older brother learned a passable level of skill as well. Two of us have continued to practice and we have a few nice Bucks taken with a bow to show for it.

An anecdote: About 10 years ago we all gathered and went up to the Renaissance Faire in Sterling NY. For those not familiar with this venue. A bunch of actors gather and create a revolving play around a Medieval village. They are required to stay in character while inside the gates. There are comedies such as the Mud Pit Wrestle, and a Shakespearean play. There is a joust, a human chess game and many other fun things to do. Food is typically a Turkey Leg or served on a stick, no silverware required here. Refreshment is served in a mug.

We all joined the Archery tourney at one point. 6 arrows each. We sort of had a sibling competition as well. We placed 1,2,and 3 with additional arrows required for a tie breaker. There were 25 competitors. So apparently we do have a clue.

So anyhow, I do own a couple of bows, I even have a friend on one of the nearby SAR teams that is a bowyer. She carves her own longbows. Even is passable at flint napping. With any luck I'll be able to convince her to pose for a few shots for my site.  As a bonus I'll probably add a link to her business promoting wilderness skills.

Currently the site has some bare bones content, I have installed Wordpress and most of the plugins that I like to use. I have done some research on the history of Bows and am trying to organize a few pages so that my content will run this site up to the top of the rankings. It appears from my research that although there are a few sites out there with some information this niche is sorely lacking anything of substance.

 I currently have the privacy setting set to not allow the Google bots to see it.  I will change this when I have some good content on the site.  Probably by the end of the week.  If you search for the URL it may not show up.  If you type it in you will be able to see the current status of the site.

This should be fun!

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Arc2011 Premium
All the best. Hope it becomes a successful website.
WayneBPK Premium
Good luck with it brother. ill keep my eye on it for new ideas:)
Incognito Premium
Best of luck with it Craig and thanks for sharing!
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks Leo
lionseye Premium
A year and half is a lot more training than me and a lot of the new people coming in with the 10 day free... Exposing us to "real world" site building is invaluable. It's not just theory... It's theory in motion... in other words, Action! Take what you've learned and Do something with it.
Hope this doesn't put the pressure on you?
jaymekl Premium
Hear! Hear!
lionseye Premium
Thanks for this Labman. Letting us see this niche site and how it progresses is what new folks like myself like to see. This is what is lacking in the IM world... everyone is so secretive, it's hard for newbies to get a grasp of the fundamentals. I'll be watching with anticipation and wish you the best of luck!

Always loved archery but was the worst shot ever!
Labman_1 Premium
I don't know how good I am, I've been at this for a year and a half but I'm not an expert yet. I'll be looking for feedback from all directions. But at least I have an idea of how to go about things so we'll all get to see how it goes.