I deciphered the map

Last Update: October 06, 2009

WOW!!  I have finally put it all together! 

I feel like a pioneer in the early days of America.  When I landed on the shores I met many people who had been to California.  They were all yelling and squawking and hawking. 

"This is the way!"  "I have the only true map!" "I can show you the way!"  Different people would tell me complete true and actual information about different things I would have to navigate to get there. Landing pages, Squidoo, Ezine , keywords etc... etc...  But no one seemed to want to show how all these things fit on the map.  I wasn't able to see the whole map laid out from beginning to end.  I have finally put it all together and understand how it all fits together now.  Amazing how something so simple can be so elusive.

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