Why, oh why??

Last Update: October 07, 2009

I have to say this and I know if I post it somewhere, someone will go off on me!

There are some things that just make you sick to your stomach when you see it. 

And the slaughtering of the English language is something that makes ME sick to my stomach!  It seems everywhere I look I see it.  Every SINGLE report that is sent to me in email for free download, professing some expertise in a specific area or system, has GROSS grammatical errors in the first several sentences.  I CAN NOT BELIEVE!!!!! these people actually want me to think they have expertise in ANYTHING!!  Much less, want to pay money for what they are actually selling.

Sometimes, I cannot even get past the first paragraph without wanting to throw-up!

Why is it so difficult to use a grammar checker?  Who writes these?  And moreover, who proofs them?!  A 5th grader would catch them!  So, you might say, “Well they’re probably outsourced.”  My answer to that is, “You mean someone actually paid money to screw up that badly, what should be a reflection of them and a source of income?”

Go figure.

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PowerMotivate Premium
I completely agree. Good grammar is one of the reasons my article writing campaigns have been slow to develop. It takes time to write an article worth reading and then to edit to a glossy perfection.

I suppose I could outsource that work, too, like so many others. I just can't bring myself to clutter the Internet with more crap than is already there.

Here's a gold for taking the time to rant, letting me know I'm not the only who thinks poor grammar stinks.