Posts by Magistudio 244
Member Level: Beginner to Intermediate WAbinar Objective: Learn How to Get Started from An Expert Date: Friday July 13th, 2012 Time: 5pm Pacific (PST -8)Let's Get Down to the Basics!Sometimes we all need a reminder on the best method to work on our online business. In this week's Live Training, we doing just that - getting down to the basics of starting & running an online business.Topics Covered:* The Basics of Online Markting: A Visual Flowchart* Niche Selection: What to Promote?* Key
OK, it's official.. My Mom has joined WA.I would like to introduce you to my mom, she's awesome and if you treat her nice and help her with any questions that she may have.. you might get some baked cookies sent to your doorstep! Here she is!
Have you ever heard of Dieter Rams?He's this cool German industrial designer who worked for Braun and has won a plethora of awards for his innovative designs.Back in the early 1980s of his awesome career, he noticed that the design world was suffering from “an impenetrable confusion of forms, colours and noises.”At this point, Rams asked himself "is my design good design?" and wrote a mission statement on the ten most important principles for what he considered was good design.
Member Level: Beginner to IntermediateWAbinar Objective: To Learn More About Setting Up and Tracking Goals within Google AnalyticsDate: Friday June 29th, 5PM (PST)Register: Click Here Topics Covered: Setting Up Your Analytics Code Defining your Conversion Goals: Setting Up & Tracking How to Track Outbound Links Quick Overview of Goal Funnels Live Q&A Session Additional Resources:[Adding Google Analytics to WordPress] suggest you have a look at this training lesson
Jaaxy Logo The following logos provided are in PNG24 transparent format. This means they can go on any colored background: For Light Backgrounds Size: 300 x 98 pixels Click Here to Download Size: 1600 x 520 pixels Click Here to DownloadFor Dark BackgroundsSize: 300 x 98 pixelsClick Here to DownloadSize: 1600 x 520 pixelsClick Here to Download* Please use the Jaaxy logo in a positive respectful manner. Jaaxy ScreenshotsThese are various screenshots taken from the perspective of a photographed
June 22, 2012
My mom thinks I am an Internet Celeb.. She's heard of these online broacasts (WAbinars) that I've been doing and wants to attend one. So, I have convinced her to join WA and see all the madness that happens inside a WAbinar! Now.. there is another reason I have convinced her to join WA and wanted to share this with you. I've been a member of WA since 2007 and been building websites for many moons, thus why it's sometimes hard to gauge the 'quality of simplistic training'
Umm.. What!? How's THAT for a Blog Title? Today I want to talk to you about the association of Doggie Poop with Predicting Market Trends & Customer Behavior. So, I recently adopted a new Puggle puppy and have named her Darth Vada. This would be the female version of Darth Vader. Here's an image of Vada.. Yeah.. I know she's cute! Now, with owning a puppy certainly has it's perks - but also comes with some immense responsibility. And one of those responsibilities is puppy potty
Once upon a time.. building links was a necessary (and easy) attribute to ranking in the search engines for your target keywords.Times have certainly changed.. and building links isn't as easy as it used to be nor is it as important these days. That being said.. you still need to build a link portfolio and this summer, is the time to build your links.Building a link portfolio has much more than merely ranking in the search engines, it's also about building your credibility and reputatio
Hey Folks, I am starting a new series of infographs that are called 'Jaaxy Keyword Search of the Week' and here is the first one! Let me know what you think! And if you're a Jaaxy affiliate, feel free to use this image with your affiliate link. Here is the Pinterest link:
Have you ever wanted to stand out from the crowd with your Wealthy Affiliate promotions? Well, now is your chance! I have created a couple cool looking graphics which you may download and use within your own promotions! Here's a sample of the graphics.. Here are the links to the high resolution images: If you like the graphics, then like this post at the top! ;)Enjoy!