Posts by Magistudio 244
Hey Friends, Thought you might like this.. The following domain name (and site) just sold for a cool  $14,000 this week. It's a spanish site dedicated to the cartoon Sponge Bob Square Pants!! So.. do YOU have an old domain that may be worth something?
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Hey Friends, So, I am changing things up this week and holding the WAbinar this Sunday! The Social Network & Media WAbinar Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Digg, Reddit, FourSquare.. Is all this social media needed for your online marketing business? Can you REALLY make money on FaceBook? Join me this SUNDAY @ 5PM (-7GMT) Here is what shall be discussed: * How to Effectively use Twitter for your campaigns * The Difference Between A  Facebook Profile And A Facebook Fan Page * Is Advertising
Hey Everyone, Hope all is well and you're working hard on your IM campaigns. I wanted to let you know about a cool new chat room that a fellow WA member has created. They've created a small little place with a meembo chat room so that we can go somewhere and have some real time interaction. I was chatting on there today and revealed all my Ninja Secrets! Hope to see you there!
"One Man's Trash.." Oh Wait, Let's Put it in Our Terms: "One Marketer's Forgotten Domain is Another Marketer's Gold Mine.." Do you have a domain that you don't use anymore? That impulse domain buy you made almost a year ago ready to ding your wallet with a renewal? Yeah.. Been there done that! But what I've learned is that I CAN make a profit from those domains that I HAVE purchased and never did anything with. I have determined based on testing and SERP success that domains
ad·ver·si·ty /ad?v?rsit?/Noun: Difficulties; misfortune.Regardless where you are in your online marketing success path, I'm sure you've experienced some sort of road block that has frustrated you to no end.It could be technical..It could be financial.. It could be peers not believing in you..It could be all of the above!Here are 3 quick tips that I USE when faced with Affiliate Adversity1. Write down the problem on your whiteboardI tend to brush problems under the carpet, but if I write them
The following article is from the Google Webmaster Central Blog and thought it would serve well here. Please take a moment to read this as it may help you with your own websites. ** In recent months we’ve been especially focused on helping people find high-quality sites in Google’s search results. The “Panda” algorithm change has improved rankings for a large number of high-quality websites, so most of you reading have nothing to be concerned about. However, for the sites that may have
OK Folks! I have a $100 Adwords Credit up for grabs to one lucky person who attends this weeks WAbinar on Google Top Rankings with WordPress Express.. Ninja Strategies!
The WAbinar is going to be awesome like Hai Karate! Sometimes when trying to obtain top page rankings with WordPress, it feels like you need Ninja like skills to do this. There is a delicate art to top page rankings, but with some Ninja Strategies under your (soon to be) black belt, your climb to the first page of Google with your Keyword will be a breeze. Join me this Friday @5PM Pacific, where he will discuss: Initial Ninja WordPress SEO Setup Pages vs Posts.. What to Use and When You're Le
Hey Everyone,I've recieved alot of great feedback and excitement regarding the Joomla WABinar and it hasn't even take place yet!!That being said, I made a quick video to briefly talk to you about some initial thoughts.. please enjoy!
(CNN) -- Easter has passed, and you've finally finished cleaning the last of that weird basket-lining "grass" from the carpet. Beginning Sunday, millions of Americans can also celebrate the resurrection of their foregone vices -- whatever treat or habit they gave up for 40 long days of Lent. After chocolate and fried foods (pound-droppage is a common additional motive), an increasingly popular thing to give up for Lent is Facebook -- anecdotally, at least. Two of our friends tried it