Posts by Magistudio 244
Get Your Site Reviewed By Your Peers! Sometimes when we build web projects, we focus so much energy on the SEO aspect of it.. that site usability is forgotten. What is the point of having a high ranked site if nobody enjoys visiting it? So, in this edition of our Hot Seat WAbinar (Saturday Feb 25 @ 1pm PST).. we are going to focus on website Usability and making sure it your customer enjoys the experience. Another exciting element of this WAbinar is that YOU will be able to add your input in rea
Hey Folks,  As you see by the screenshot on the right, WA is taking down hosting on January 18th in recognition of protesting SOPA. For those who don't know what SOPA is or the blackout which is supposed to happen on January 18th (including Google), you can read about it on the Huffington Post.   Oh.. By The Way.. WA isn't taking down hosting.. LOL Happy SOPA protest day!
Two people of equal skill work in the same office. For the sake of comparison, let's say both arrive at work at 9 am each day, and leave at 7 pm. Bill works essentially without stopping, juggling tasks at his desk and running between meetings all day long. He even eats lunch at his desk. Sound familiar? Nick, by contrast, works intensely for approximately 90 minutes at a stretch, and then takes a 15 minute break before resuming work. At 12:15, he goes out for lunch for 45 minutes, or works out
Happy Sunday WA!  Have you ever wondered what people are REALLY doing online?  Perhaps they are Shopping?  Tweeting?  Checking Facebook?  Did you know 71% of people are watching videos on Vimeo or YouTube. The infographic covers a PEW survey for the past three years on what adults are doing on the Internet. I love that 81% of us are using the Internet to check the weather. So what’s the #1 thing people are doing online? Check it out here: Image Source: column fi
November 06, 2011
Hey Folks,  For those who follow the daylight savings time zone change 'thingy', this is a reminder to change your time in WA. I made a quick tutorial on how to do this:  
 Hey Folks,  October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and for the rest of October, I would like you to show your support by simply changing your WA dashboard to Pink! "How Do I Change it to Pink?" It's really easy! At the bottom of your WA, there are three options of colors.. simply click on the Pink option and Poof! You're showing support. Want to show more support!?  At the end of October, I am donating all my WA gold to a cancer research foundation and if you would li
Do you have what it takes to become a successful online marketer?   In my opinion, self-discipline is a major contributing factor to online success because taking action is all about self-discipline. This is probably why there are not more successful online marketers out there because self-discipline can be very hard to maintain. Here are some self-discipline tasks I choose to do:  I choose to turn off the TV when working I choose to wake up early to work on my business I choose to
Hey Folks,  Just read the following and thought it should be posted: California Governor Jerry Brown recently signed legislation repealing the law that had forced us (Amazon) to close the program to California residents. We are pleased to invite all California Associates whose accounts were closed due to the prior legislation to re-enroll in the Program. Associates who re-enroll will retain all prior account settings (login, Associates ID, payment information, etc.). For more d
For those of you who have been thinking about getting into Local SEO, now is a better time than ever as more and more proof is coming out that Google is focusing on the Local market. Need Proof? Check out the article below which talks about what Google is planning for this Local Marketing opportunity.. Google is extending its offerings for small, local businesses with the addition of city pages highlighting Google Places pages and Google Offers for San Francisco, CA, and Charlotte, NC. Goog
Hey Folks! Made a video for ya!In this video, I show how you can easily find a keyword with a high volume of exact monthly searches and a low amount of competing websites based on a popular clickbank product.Let me know your thoughts!