Day 4

Last Update: October 27, 2010

Finally got a website up through WordpressExpress.  I had to play around a bit so that my blog is now my homepage, hopefully that won't hurt me down the road.  I read a great Newbie Jumpstart Guide ( and applied what it said.  My only concern is that forwarding my domain will render the work I've done on my site useless, I guess we'll see once it starts to take effect.

I started Lesson three of the Action Plan today, going to go through  the Research Getting Started Guide tonight. 

It was nice to have a day where progress was made.  Days 2/3 were met with a lot of obstacles when it came to getting a site up, but I expect that I will continue to learn better ways of making it happen in the near future.

My goal is to start campaigns within the month of November and hopefully rake in $1000 by the end of December.  My eyes and ears are open to any suggestions and recommendations anyone may have to help me attain this challenging but character-building goal.



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