Small Victories, Always Learning

Last Update: November 24, 2010

I've officially hit one month here at WA and I thought I'd use this blog to reflect on everything I've learned.

The first thing I have to say, as I've said in various other posts, is that the community and support of my fellow members has been invaluable.  I'm indebted to everyone who has provided tutorials on virtually every area of study in this vast world of internet marketing. So thanks for all the knowledge you have bestowed and will continue to provide to me.

Secondly, membership here at WA has saved me from repeating my mistakes.  The lessons and advice from experienced marketers has allowed me to keep away from bad habits and poor time management, almost from the onset of each of my mistakes.  Because of this, I've been able to accurately address and correct my missteps when they occur before they cost me unnecessary time and/or money.

Finally, I've learned the value of being patient while still being consistently motivated.  I've been in that sweet spot since I began at WA -being able to anticipate your success while diligently working towards it is essential to achieving it in the end.  It's incredible how much I have learned in 1 month, going from a complete newbie to an educated student on his way to becoming a master somewhere down the road.  Learning is the key to staying motivated, it is essential to know how much more there is to learn if you are going to keep on the path you've taken.


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