Insanely Productive Day

Last Update: November 08, 2010

Today I unofficially started my first campaign!  I took on the STF affiliate program and created my first web page -a landing page with a web form- from scratch using Dreamweaver.. I still highly recommend that program.  

I wrote an article and sent it off for publishing at squidoo and ezine, hopefully they both start generating some traffic, though I'm well aware that I'll be needing more than just a single article to really get things going.  Still, small victories are part of the process and I feel a great sense of accomplishment so far.

The Action Plan will pick up again tomorrow or the next day, but for now I'm going to keep pursuing article marketing as my primary traffic generator.  The tutorials I've read have been excellent.  Anybody have tips, advice? 


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Labman_1 Premium
Keep up the good work. Be patient with Ezine, the first one takes about a week to get approved.