Outsourcing Doesn't Come Cheaper Than This

Last Update: May 14, 2010

I know that we can do a similar thing here on WA to what's on offer below, but I've never seen it bofore and it could prove very useful to WA members as a cheap and cheerful add-on to your online marketing tools.

If you're tired of performing the same old steps with your Internet marketing projects, how about outsourcing them ... for just $5.00.

The site below looks very interesting and can get you backlinks to your site, visitors to your site, improvements to your site, any article written, any tedious jobs done and all for a fiver.


Now, this can work both ways. If you are capable of performing a task and would like to offer your services, how about making a few dollars a day by registering with this handy tool. It's free.

I can't vouch for quality of work but am currently trying it out.

Payments are made and received directly into your PayPal account, so nobody can take the money and run.

If a job isn't completed, you get a full refund.

You could also build your list using this method. Offer a service for $5.00 but take their name and email to build your subscriber list while you're at it.

The whole thing has a Twitter feel and seems to work very well.

Worth a look.

I've just applied for three tasks to be completed, so that I can test they quality out.

One task was to get 10,000 visitors to my marketing site

One to get backlinks to a site I'm finding hard to rank

One to get backlinks using a different technique

I also posted a job that I can do for $5 to see if I earn anything.

I'll let you know how it all goes once completed.

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martyn01202 Premium
I've gotten a logo made for my Internet Marketing website for $5 which is excellent.
I've also had 1000+ website visitors to one of my sites with another 9000 promised over the next 7 days ... again $5.
Finally, I'm just trying the backlinks offers to see what sort of quality they are.
I agree, there are some fantastic ideas on the site.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thank you Martyn. This looks like a clever resource. I think I can use them. Fun just reading through what they offer.
Louise M. Premium
Thx for sharing, looks like a good website to me, the concept is great! It's funny there's a guy who says: "I will write something in the sand for you and turn it into a greeting card for $5", that's a cool idea :). I think I'll give it a try! Thank you!