They’re Coming To Get Us

Last Update: March 12, 2010

That’s it, they’ve run out of ideas ... the gurus who promote their wares to us, day in day out, can’t think of anything new anymore.  So, they’ve decided to club together and attack us from all angles.

Most of the recent attacks on my email inbox are for business opportunities that end out being from five or six of the high rollers in Internet Marketing.

I say ‘end out’ because, initially one doesn’t know that the ‘new’ business is anything to do with any particular person until you move away from the email and onto the sales page promoting the new ‘must be involved in’ product or service.

It’s only then that you realise or they may even tell you, that several of the top players in the business have put each of their older plans into a new package and are selling them to you at a bumper price under a new banner.

I imagine that one of these guys tried it and found that it brought in a shed load of money and so it got rolled out to every Internet guru around the planet.

I’m not one to complain, as you know, but how often have you gotten involved in a new business only to find that you’ve already bought into that and got the refund and now you’ve gone and bought it all over again.  This is so annoying.

Currently, there are five business opportunities that are all under different banners but, basically, are exactly the same thing.

Buying all five before you realise this is very costly in the long run, I can tell you this from personal experience :-)

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Miguelito203 Premium
I subscribe to the "guru's" list simply as a way to keep up to date. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't actually buy anything. I can't believe people really do that. Also, what you described is the nature of business--whether via the internet or offline. I mean, how do you think toy companies and manufacturers drum up business for the holiday season and stuff? It's not by accident, and it happens in every major industry.

Making money is about finding an need not being met with a lot of demand + a bit of passion + work ethic. If one of these three ingridents is missing, it's not going to work.

For example, many teachers work their butts off and have a passion for what they do, but they don't get paid anything. Therefore, they are poor. If you find a profitable market in which there are tons of buyers but you don't have a passion for it, the quality of your work is going to suffer, and you will not work as hard at it and won't many any money.

Business is business. The only thing that separates internet marketers from ad execs. is the medium through which we marketer our products to people. All other core principles are the same.

martyn01202 Premium
I subscribe to all these lists to see what others are doing. I can keep up to date with latest goings ons this way.
When I blog these messages, it's tongue in cheek, shall we say, I just notice trends and things and must mention it to someone to see if they are experiencing it too. I agree, everything anyone needs should be here on WA.
magistudio Premium
Why are you buying product and subscribed to all these mailing lists when you have everything you need here at WA?
Try unsubscribing to 10 email lists and see your productivity soar!
Tans Premium
Yep, it sure does suck! I don't even bother opening any of those emails any more. My junk folder is increasing exponentially!