Posts by Maureenhannan 49
I suspect it was to one of my incredibly generous-hearted buddies here at WA (to whom I shall forthwith bequeath my entire little hoard of gold if I learn his or her identity). What a feeling it was to see the sale notification in my Inbox.  It's not my first sale--but it's the first I've made in an all-out effort to promote something cool. Since I must run to pick up my son from school and then complete a host of mommy-errands, I will keep this brief.  (Are those cheers I hear?  
June 12, 2010
I got an email from Noble Samurai yesterday morning--the developers of Market Samurai.  They were inviting me into their brand-new affiliate program, which actually goes "live" on Monday.  Guess what?  Only licensed owners of the software are being invited to participate in the affiliate program.  I interrupted some other projects and pounced. Why did I pounce?  1.  Because I love this software.  I'm the freebie queen.  The frugal diva...but thi
Now if this won't get your juices flowin' and your love of life goin', then I don't know what will!  Check out this video...the members of the Philadelphia Opera, wearing street clothes and blending in with the crowd, burst into strains of Brindisi in the middle of the Reading Terminal Market.  Don't you just love it when the extraordinary busts right into the ordinary?
I wanted to share this with you all, because I think it might shine a little light on the "marketing university" nature of what we are all engaged in here. Not too long ago, I thanked my realtor (who gave the most wonderful service imaginable) by publishing a testimonial in the form of a Squidoo lens.   He loved it and got excited enough about it to post it on his Facebook page.  That alone sent traffic to his main website (through the link on the lens).  Then more traff
Hard day of of chard...Keith Jarrett's Koln concert playing on my iHome.  It must be time to blog.... For some reason, I was just thinking about going to hear one of my favorite authors speak at the National Cathedral in DC last spring.  Any of you women ever read Eat, Pray, Love?  Elizabeth Gilbert is the author.  I loved that book and went along with friends ranging from ages 70 to 30 to hear her speak.  My favorite moment was in the Q & A, when a memb
I'm from New Jersey, so the "y'all" will never roll off my tongue like honey out of a bear-shaped squirt bottle. Alas.  I would never admit to my neighbors (who tease me about my Springsteen t-shirt collection)that I actually would love to be able to say with true Southern elan, "Stop on bah, so ah-cn share some sweet  lil goodies with y'all... "  But oh well, even if it's in a Jersey accent (Hey you's!  It's genu-INE Louey VeeTAWN--f'REAL!,) I'd like to s
I'm from New Jersey, so the "y'all" will never roll off my tongue like honey out of a bear-shaped squirt bottle. Alas.  I would never admit to my neighbors (who tease me about my Springsteen t-shirt collection)that I actually would love to be able to say with true Southern elan, "Stop on bah, so ah-cn share some sweet  lil goodies with y'all... "  But oh well, even if it's in a Jersey accent (Hey you's!  It's genu-INE Louey VeeTAWN--f'REAL!, I'd like to sh
June 01, 2010
Before I wax poetic about EzineArticles, I want to say a great big thank you.  In marking a milestone the other day, I never expected the outpouring of kindness, support, humor, and wisdom that I received. What a rare community this is.  Thank you for all of your comments.  Heck...thanks just for reading.  Now...back to Ezine.  Since publishing my one Squidoo lens, I've been fighting the urge to just go on to the next thing I want to write.   EZA, bless i
I'm not one for maudlin emotional displays, but I've got kind of a big anniversary going on maybe indulge me a bit while I retrace some steps? A year ago today I left a 20-year-long marriage that had become a kind of daily emotional battery.  The currency of the marriage was control,and the flavor of it alternated between sour and bland.  Ever heard the word "stultifying"?  "Rendering ineffectual; crippling."   That describes pretty well the ef
May 27, 2010
Every day now I try to get the paying work done (work that pays right now, that is) before tackling training and keyword-research-practice and article-writing.  I never would have believed that I could get as much done in a day as I am doing.  Nor would I have believed that I would see so many results in such a short time.    As far as the IM business goes, I don't need to see results in the form of dollars at this point.  I know how to recognize when I am learning valua