Can you smell that?

Last Update: July 15, 2012
Sniff, Sniff... It smells in here!! Like burning brain matter!!

Well...not really, but it is possible, seeings where I started a week ago. Let me see what's been happening....

1. Cruised Craigslist for a work-at-home opportunity. Clicked on an interesting ad saying that I could earn while I learn and that NO credit card was necessary. '

2. Click! Here I go to Internet Market? What do I know about that? Absolutely nothing.

3. Set up my profile. Introduce myself, and see that there is an open chat line on the right of my screen. Watching, watching..... seeing other newbies come on and say hi. Some were feeling overwhelmed and lost. Count me in on that one!! This site is way too busy! Lots of menus and stuff I don't even know!

4. A blog? I am supposed to write a blog? RIGHT!! I fuddled thru somehow and put myself out there.

5. OH! Look! Training! Just what I need! Start in on learning about funnels, FTP, Word Press, Links, Affiliates, and I could fill the rest of this blog with all the subjects..

That would be boring!!

6. Wrote 2 articles for Street Articles. They are now pending....

7. Working on website building.

Oh there's more, like being up til 4 am writing and being excited with the can-do attitude with a subject matter that has me all fired up!

Sniff....Sniff.... YUP! Definitely something is burning! Don't worry, though I figured it out. It's just me! I am all fired up!!
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Stacydee Premium
Love your post...very funny. Welcome to WA, get used to that smell!
LOL It takes some getting used to! Thanks for the read!
ThomasPaul Premium
Awesome! I love your excitement!
Thanks! Hard not to be!!
slayton1s Premium
I became obsessive with learning everything. Now Internet Marketing is easy to me. You just need the right guidance & strive to put in the work. ;)
That's what is happening to me...becoming obsessive! LOL Thanks for the advice.
stadium Premium
jpnetco Premium
It is exciting isn't it?
Yes it really is! I am just starting to put the puzzle together!