Did you feel that?

Last Update: July 17, 2012
That earthquake just now! Did ya feel the earth shake under your feet? Don't worry, just me falling off my horse! LOL YUP! Not kidding either! LOL

I think Internet Marketing is safer! No horse to get startled by a rattle snake in the path. Got me to thinking, though. About how some folks come into this Internet Marketing thing or insert your new endeavor.

They learn how to care and feed the horse, put on a saddle and bridle. They will probably even have someone teach them how to ride. You know, horse riding lessons. And then, once they learn, off they go to ride on their own. They will most likely have a few problems as they do so. And you never know when those problems will arise!

Like when a rattlesnake spooks your horse and you end up on your back looking up!

Internet Marketing seems to be a similar to the process of learning how to ride a horse. There are lessons to learn how to do KW searches, SEO, website building and maintenance. And then, POW!, a rattlesnake pops up! You get knocked off your horse!

What do you do? The answer tells all! What happens next is critical! Do you blame the horse? Maybe you blame the rattlesnake? Oh, I know it hurts! Do you lead the horse back to the stable and never ride again?

Here's the sign of a person that is destined for success! You dust yourself off and get right back up on that horse! Yup, as much as it hurts, that's exactly what I did...Got back up in the saddle, and continued on.

So there you are...some words of encouragement from an ole cowboy.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks for the horse sense.
avonhagn787 Premium
love your blogs!
nana-diana Premium
yes indeeee - get back on but remember the ground gets harder as you (& I) get older!!
Shawn Martin Premium
You said that so well, lol. Gotta just get back up!
mama2karsten Premium
Well said