Getting Organized! What a concept!

Last Update: July 13, 2012
Still on trial here (me, not WAU). I have been enjoying reading the various trainings available to me and I noticed that I was bouncing around all over with no real purpose in here. So I began to use the search tool. I like the fact that I set up my own classes, that pertain to me.

I got some suggestions from my organizing wife about using the bookmarks bar here in Chrome. I, with Kat's help, made new folders in the Favorites. The cool thing here is that the folders show up just below the address bar and are always visible. That helps to remind me that I am in college here studying to be an internet marketing guru.

I started by setting up my keyword curriculum. I searched for Keyword, and started in reading, and taking notes. When there was a new concept for me, I would go through the steps provided for me in the module.

So far, I can tell you that is the keyword searching tool of choice here at WA. If you are unable to swing the monthly, there is a way to find some statistics using google search tool. Using the predictive drop down menu you can find new keywords as you type. (Never knew that) Also if you put the term in quotes, and go to very last page, there is a way to know how competitive that KW is. Also brings up pertinent sites for me to cruise and learn from!

I also began to go the sites that are listed for WA Instructors. Some of these seems a bit out of date...not sure, though because I am new to this IM thing.

So I have started college! Going to classes provided by WA professors. I even raised my hand and asked questions along the way as well. How COOL is that!
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mama2karsten Premium
It can be a lot of fun to learn and achieve here. Welcome and good luck.
TJ Books Premium
Great to have a quirky and fun guy from NM, named, Pat, in our classroom. John
Shawn Martin Premium
Welcome to WA! Glad to see you are already getting organized, you know that means you will have to stick around now, right? :)