Posts by Mcstir 20
September 21, 2010
Well, I got a link from an email list I am subscribed to, and it purports to value your sites: Pretty interesting stuff, and based on backlinks as well as traffic.  My article site:    came back with a value of $1,978.00.  Interesting!  Mickey    
1 comment
I just logged in tonight and had a look at the new jobs section and I have to say it is AWESOME!!! Great work guys, it's organized, and much more efficient!  I know this has been something that needed to be dealt with for a long time and I have to say I am really happy with how it looks.  Anyone else?
August 03, 2010
Hey all, I just launched my new article site after 6 days of pure blood sweat and tears... LOL... I would love it if you would consider signing up and submitting some articles!  Here is it:  Thanks everyone! Mickey  
I just realized that I have been a member at WA for two years now!  I have to say I have come a long way since I began over two years ago, and I never stop learning or working on stuff to improve and hone my skills.  I love this site, the people are awesome and it feels great to be a part of such an awesome community!  WA Rocks!!!
Does anyone else have a serious time management issue?  I seem to get distracted way too easily these days.  Hours and hours that I can never get back... just slip away.  I really need focus, aside from the fact that my day job eats up a large amount of my time, I have a hard time getting down to it.  I think I may just have to set up a calendar with a timeline. i.e. - Day one - KW research, Day Two - choose domain name - Day Three, four and five - write content, Day Six - pu
May 10, 2010
Giving up means failing.  If you continue to get the content out there and plenty of it, you will see some returns.  I have to say that articles  I posted over a year ago are now starting to get traffic and make me some money.  Not a lot, but some.  When you have doubts, you paralyze yourself and nothing gets done.  As an aside, Hubpages are a great place to post things.  Even if it is a over saturated niche, you may not make "sales", but you will get
December 22, 2009
As we close off this year and head into a new one, I thought I would share these thoughts with you all. 1.  Life isn't fair, but it's still great! 2.  When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3.  Life is too short to waste on hating anyone. 4.  Your job won't take care of you when you are sick, your friends and family will.  Stay in touch. 5.  Pay off your credit cards every month. 6.  You don't have to win every argument, agree to disagree. 7. 
October 26, 2009
I just want to put it out there that if you need some articles written, get in touch with me!  I would love to do some writing for you, and it will be quality work.  Don't have a lot of money?  That's okay!  We can work something out.  I can't seem to get my bids accepted on the Jobs board,  but I did a set of articles last week and finally got a review.
October 20, 2009
I should put at least one post in for October!  I have been coming back to WA more often, I got busy doing articles and squidoos and completely forgot about WA.  I try to visit the forum at least one time a day and answer a couple of questions, I see that there are pages and pages and pages of unanswered questions, I don't think that's too great.  I think we should all try to answer questions if we can, and I also think that if the answer given was helpful that the recipient
September 29, 2009
Hey, welcome to my Space.  I, like you, came here to learn how to earn a living online and quit my J-O-B.  I cannot wait for the day when I can call in to work and say "I won't be in..... ever again".  I can picture it, I can feel it, I know I can do it.  I just have to put in the time.  The truth is that there is no "easy money" online, it is something that you need to work at, and if you put the time and the work in, you will see a return and a rewa