Posts by Mission0ps 20
August 12, 2012
I've been trying to hide it but every time I look into my computer files I'm reminded. of the fact ...It's not a serious addiction as yet, well that depends you'll have to talk to my friends and ask them if the have noticed anything strange about me lately. What am I suffering from? ... I'm a Wordpress Theme & Plugin hoarderHave you these same symptoms My therapist says sharing may help. So here you go... Click to read 18 Confessions From A Cheap WordPress Theme and Plugin Ju
August 03, 2012
Been at this IM lark for a while now, and I have to say that the first time you see sales pop into your account is a day that you'll never forget. My first few dollars were earned after just a few short weeks of following some of the best training I had come across. It's a story I've told a hundred times before and I really would like you guy's to read it. Make sure you keep the focus and follow the advice of those who know the deal... There are so many that start on the roa
July 16, 2012
One of the things people don’t really think about when doing search engine optimization is the fact that there is a hell of a lot of growth potential when looking at image SEO. Google and all the other search providers have entire sections of their business models dedicated to searching for images and this can bring you the life blood of traffic to your website or blog.If you search Google for "Open Education Project" then hit the images tab at the top of the page you just may see my mug!
The Northampton Carnival 2012 has been a long awaited event. With my kids here from Sweden it was one of the dates on the calendar which we were counting down towards. The day came and the adventure trek began... But something seemed to be missing!
Yeah I see you nodding your head :) Yep I'm a maverick for sure...I don't like to follow and I am more than comfortable walking my own path. I progress using what I learn along the way and adapting it, cognitive learning it's called.That doesn't mean that I don't take direction, not at all quite the opposite. I'm always on the lookout for new methods, ideas and trainng, however I like to look at both sides of the coin. So The Title PLR Maverick!I had a giggle the other da
Iѕ thе iTunes affiliate program worth joining? l I’m going tο discuss thаt very topic, аѕ аn affiliate marketer I’m wondering іf іt’s worth setting up аn iTunes affiliate account whеn аll affiliate buddies wіll bе getting іѕ јυѕt 5% οf thе iTunes рυrсhаѕе?Sounds a bit harsh whеn уου look аt іt lіkе thаt, bυt thеn again іt depends οn thе ammount οf traffic уο&upsilon
June 23, 2012
Seems like google is having a proper laugh at the moment and I am just sticking to my SEO guns and we'll see how it all plays out!.I just added a post to one of my rather lucrative mainly amazon driven weblogs and noticed that it had slipped off the front page to page 3 for the main keyword.Yet my Pinterest board on the same topic shows on the first page of google results for a shorter version of the KW... Crazy but cool eh! So what does this tell me about Pinning? Keep using Pinterest an
Hi peeps I know that there is all the chat about creating sites you are passionate about and have knowledge in etc. So why is it that I keep creating sites that I have no knowledge in at all?Answer: They are popular search terms .... plus I'm kinda addicted to building weblogs! (I just like to be different it's still just a blog)I build I do a little SEO and then I drive traffic, depending on "how interested" I am I may spend 1 month to 3 or 4 months focused on that site. until I see sal
Being online for almost 4 years I've collected quite an arsenal of industry tools like "Traffic Player" that are among my favorite to use. With almost certainty I'd say Traffic Player is one of the best video embed tools on the market......The only downside was Mark Dulisse the developer and coder for this wordpress plugin is a fanatic about developing and adding more value that he'd release a new update every couple of months. Now that may not seem like a bad thing, but I have traff
I have just been hunting for a new domain for a little experiment/gauntlet challenge. Jaaxy keyword research done >>> Over at Namecheap buy domain >>> Transferred my DNS Added New email account Forwarded new email account to gmail HOLY CR*P Where's Fantastico gone? Ah just notices a few changes QuickInstall! In Beta but works a dream.