Bye Bye Fantastico - Hello QuickInstall

Last Update: June 14, 2012
I have just been hunting for a new domain for a little experiment/gauntlet challenge.
  1. Jaaxy keyword research done >>>
  2. Over at Namecheap buy domain >>>
  3. Transferred my DNS
  4. Added New email account
  5. Forwarded new email account to gmail
  6. HOLY CR*P Where's Fantastico gone?
  7. Ah just notices a few changes QuickInstall!

In Beta but works a dream.

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mission0ps Premium
Did you peeps see the video on this ?
kyle Premium
Have you ever tried the website builder here at Wealthy Affiliate...about as easy as it gets !
mission0ps Premium
Yep once when on holiday in Mustique. ( name drop) .. I first set up affiliateventures there... I did have headache doing it back then.. I promise to give the next one a home at WAH
kyle Premium
Cool it has come a long way and our hosting is now very robust. Great to here about your simple should be that way these days!