Not More! Geta Grip Man..

Last Update: August 12, 2012
I've been trying to hide it but every time I look into my computer files I'm reminded. of the fact ...

It's not a serious addiction as yet, well that depends you'll have to talk to my friends and ask them if the have noticed anything strange about me lately.

What am I suffering from? ... I'm a Wordpress Theme & Plugin hoarder

Have you these same symptoms

My therapist says sharing may help. So here you go... Click to read 18 Confessions From A Cheap WordPress Theme and Plugin Junkie
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Bigman Premium
That's not many Tony.
You should see
mission0ps Premium
:0 Glad to hear that :)
paci Premium
:) Good post and really good looking blog you got!
mission0ps Premium
Cheers Paci it's a free Theme :)
David_S Premium
I had the same addiction a few years ago and just recently cleaned house.
mission0ps Premium
Where did you hide them lol
David_S Premium
No hiding involved, just deleted along with tons of useless PLR and other automated programs ;)
Shawn Martin Premium
Great post!
mission0ps Premium
lol cheers Shawn .. Just had to get it off my chest hehe