Easy WordPress SEO Pt2 Almost...

Last Update: May 09, 2012

I decided to do an extended version of Easy Wordpress SEO as it's pretty obvious that folks need super duper reading glasses to see the image detail. my bad!

 So being ever up for a challenge I've decided to show the SEO I use in building a brand new wordpress site. I've added the steps that I have taken thus far, and we're at the creating some content  stage...


Yes it's true anyone can do what I'm doing .. (nail it with wordpress SEO)

I'm going into a brand new niche, I know nothing about it, You could say that I'm crazy for even sharing the domain and niche with you but what's the point of hiding it? If you are going to shoot for the same niche ... good luck, However I would rather the competition be out there not in here! 



Catch up soonish ;)



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