Posts by Mo001 5
March 18, 2010
Teamwork, is a very complicated, yet simple word.  If done right it everything will fall into place.  Without it though everything is harder, wouldn't you agree?   I have found in the last few weeks that I have received a lot of help from others here, that has made understanding this easier.  Though I don't have a lot of time to apply things as I would like, I am learning.  I tried to explain this stuff to my wife.  That was interesting to say the least. Until
March 03, 2010
Well I finally got wordpress installed on one of my sites.  I dont have it all figured out yet, but I will.  Been a busy week, they all are anymore.  Hopefully this weekend will bring some free time to work on some major backlinking.  Going to try writing some articles this weekend, and get things going.  I am motivated, but between work, and family it is hard to get anything done.  I need to have better time management.  That is why I started IM, so I could ha
February 23, 2010
I decided to dump my first article, and write another... and it was declined also.  Ezine doesn't like my writing style.  I  know there are a gazillion different article sites out there, but Ezine is supposed to be one of the best.  I am not giving up by any means, just a little bummed.  I think I need to take a different approach to writing articles, maybe its the links I use.  I think as soon as I get one posted that is successful, I think it will j
February 16, 2010
Wow, what a let down, I thought it was pretty decent.  I sent support a message to find out what was wrong with it, maybe it was something simple.  I have followed several strategies to get my lens, and websites indexed by google, and yahoo, but none of them have worked yet.  I am going to give a couple more days, then I will start from scratch.  Just venting, I am not giving up.  Heres to another day.
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February 15, 2010
This last weekend I wrote my first article..( which is still waiting to be accepted by ezine.)  I also followed PotPieGirls tutorial on squidoo lenses.  I made this lens in like 35 minutes... it was easy.  The hardest part was finding something to do it on.... I think that will get easier as I go on.  I would like some feedback on what everyone thinks about my lens.  Do not hold back criticism, I am a big boy that can take it.  Thank you in advance. MY LENS HERE
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