
Last Update: March 03, 2010

Well I finally got wordpress installed on one of my sites.  I dont have it all figured out yet, but I will.  Been a busy week, they all are anymore.  Hopefully this weekend will bring some free time to work on some major backlinking.  Going to try writing some articles this weekend, and get things going.  I am motivated, but between work, and family it is hard to get anything done.  I need to have better time management.  That is why I started IM, so I could have the opportunity to decide what my time is used for, instead of working all the time.  


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mo001 Premium
Ok, now I have finally put WP on 2 of my sites. My advice for anyone that is going to install this on your site, do it manually. The application in the web hosting area here at WA is a little outdated. Just my opinion.
jatdebeaune Premium
Know what you mean Mike. You really do need large blocks of time to really focus on this business. I know it'll work out. J.