My first article...turned down

Last Update: February 16, 2010

Wow, what a let down, I thought it was pretty decent.  I sent support a message to find out what was wrong with it, maybe it was something simple.  I have followed several strategies to get my lens, and websites indexed by google, and yahoo, but none of them have worked yet.  I am going to give a couple more days, then I will start from scratch.  Just venting, I am not giving up.  Heres to another day.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Know just how you feel. Squidoo just called a simple informative lens of mine "spambait"!!!? Made me so mad. None of it is personal. They have these crawlers that pick up a word and out you go. Have a good dinner and carry on. Have you been pinging? That seem to work. helps too.