Posts by Moonvine 47
June 15, 2010
We all like to make money at Squidoo, right?   Today I want to look at how you make that Squidoo cash. Every month Squidoo pays high ranking lensmasters.  You will not get rich from your rankings, but if you are like me at all, every little bit helps.  And last month, top tier lenses received over $20.   Top tier is tough to get into, but if you have a top tier lens, you know you have a successful lens that is receiving lots of visits (including Google), interaction, ran
June 15, 2010
Today at 6 p.m. EST, Moon Moo and You - The Collective Wisdom will feature prayers for our oceans.  This morning Kate talked about the show on her blog at Crabby's beach.  She said "we will focus positive energy on healing the core of the earth after the oil spill event in the Gulf of Mexico." Moon Moo and You is always an interesting show.  We would be delighted to have you join us in our efforts today.   Moon Moo and You is a Blog Talk Radio show.  
June 14, 2010
This Tuesday at 5:00 EST, Kimberly from Squidoo will be our guest on Giant Squid Open Mike.  We will be discussing the Squidoo Summer Sunshine Awards.  Every day for 60 days a lensmaster and a charity win $99.  It is a great contest!  See details in the post before this one.    Once the show begins, scroll down to join us in the chat room during the show.
As you probably know, Squidoo is very interested in non-profits.  In fact, when you make lenses you have the opportunity to give 1% to 100% of your profits to your favorite Squidoo approved charity.  My favorite charity at Squidoo is Friends of the Park.  That one is based in my little hometown.  I have not lived there in many years, but I do know those volunteers and they are working hard to build new ballfields at their park.  and every penny counts.  Last week F
Some of you have asked me about Giant Squid.  What is it and how do you get there?   The Giant Squid Program at Squidoo recognizes lensmasters who have created 50 quality lenses.  You will see their Giant Squid badge at the top of their lenses. You can read all the details here: At this point, the deadline for applying for Giant Squid is only 18 days away.  If you do not make 50 qualified lenses by this deadline, there will be a new de
June 10, 2010
Did you know you can now add products and blogs to the right hand column of your Squidoo lens - you know, that space where there are always ads of some kind?  well, you can and that one thing can increase your income as well as make your entire lens more interesting. In Edit Mode, you will now see two tabs (right hand side of page).  One is the default - Workshop Tools - which we all use to edit our lenses.  Now there is also a tab marked Manage Widgets.  Click on that tab. Y
June 10, 2010
If you are new at Squidoo, there are a few basic things you should know.   First - read every word that Potpiegirl writes.  Jennifer has a blog here at WA as well as her main blog.  She is also all over the WA forums.  Learn from her.  Read, study, learn.  Jennifer knows how to use Squidoo to increase our incomes.  I continue to learn from her every day.  In fact, I joined WA so that I can learn more from Jennifer! but just in case you do not already
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