Got accepted

Last Update: October 24, 2010

Gulp! I got accepted for the new article club. A real challenge but I really believe that it will get me pointed in the right direction. I have picked the STF campaign because it is outside my comfort zone even though I have a medical background. 

The promise is ethical marketing so I intend to buy STF and actually follow it through myself. Doing it that way I will know if it is really ethical.

Watch this space

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morlandroger Premium
Just been back to his site. My comments and any thankyous are out of there. Anyway I have filed a DMCA report which along with with his habit of cutting and pasting other peopls articles might just get his hubpages shut down. He is a student in Glasgow and I wish him well buuuuut just an email to me and putting in the links was all he needed to do.
glowinggal Premium
me too -- go get 'em! we can all do this (:
prinker Premium
Congrats! I think your idea to buy the product and actually try it out is awesome. I'm sure it will help you write more in depth articles because you'll be experiencing the product yourself.
morlandroger Premium
See you there. I see you also joined in March. About time we cracked this thing!
Free2BMe Premium
Hi there, I got accepted also into the STF club; I can't wait to get started, see you there and I'm sure I'll have questions!