Posts by Morlandroger 25
Here is yet another dilemma! Some time ago I started the website I am pleased with the look of the site and others have said that it looks good but..........................................I have Jaaxy and use it a lot but did not have it when I did my research to find a domain name but it seemed like a good name at the time and so that is what I have been working on. I also took the .org version too but why I did not use that instead of the .info? That is down to my lack o
This has really proved a puzzle to me and if anyone can throw some insight on the subject then please fire away.There are two sites that I put real work into when I can. One promotes cat products and the other malt whiskies. Both now get sales (small) so potentially both worth working on more.Here is the conundrum. For both of them I have pages with reviews and links to products and I use posts to raise topical stories as I find them in the news with links back to relevant pages, or just the sto
May 17, 2012
Just a short note today, but before you dash out and buy the "perfect" domain than you should read this
If you are in any way into soccer then you will no doubt be familiar with the top European leagues. La Liga, Serie A etc. and of course the English Premier League. My team is Manchester City. Not United. I do admire United and what they have achieved over the years but City are the true Mancunian team in my view. My dad was born just round the corner from their original ground, Maine Road, and he never stopped being a true blue. The last time City won the top flight in English football was in
This is kind of a welcome to WA, although Kyle and Carson will already have done that no doubt. You are coming in as very exciting times are opening up for all the members here. Definitely not Dull but certainly an adventure! I must confess that I am really fired up with enthusiasm for the new Open Education Project and the potential it offers, the WA community spirit seems to be working really well from where I am standing, and the addition of further up to date training resources from mo
On Sunday night I was really pleased with my work, actually had one post to no 1 for its keyword only ten minutes after posting it! Come Monday morning nothing, nada, zilch. Not even ranking in quoted search. The Google slap had stung like hell. Brief moment of panic, but then I remembered what others had said in the past and decided to keep at it. Pretty sure that there was nothing intrinsically wrong with the site and all I needed to do was to add more to it and all would be well. I adde
I am sure that it has come up somewhere before but I just could not find it. It is a regular query in the forum regarding installing a sitemap on a Wordpress site and this resource is aimed at newbies. Sometimes a read/write error comes up and I have put my work around into the tutorial as well as how to install the plugin, how to activate it and set it up and how to submit the site map to Google analytics. Would appreciate comments if I have made any glaring errors. Installing a Sitemap
March 22, 2012
A bit of a learning curve here but I just finished my very first tutorial here at WA. Getting Rid of Pirated Articles now I wait to see if anyone actually likes it. :-)
Yes you read that right. I have a growing blog in the cat niche. (yet to monetise properly) and I add topical stories from time to time as well as information pages. I receive Google alerts on cats and a headline drew my attention. A postman in Windsor had killed a catt with his trolley lid after it climbed into it las March. He was just jailed yesterday. i took the story, rewrote it and posted it to my blog. FB, tweet, reddit, stumbled,and pinged it.  Out of curiosity I wanted to see how l
August 04, 2011
Coming to the end of 2 weeks and it is going to be a real hard thing to go home and back to work. Plus side is that it is one of the most chilled out holidays ever. I thought that I would relax and write articles. (that would have been if the usual weather had been on) and writing articles with not having to worry about the real job would have been ok. BUT weather fantastic. Misty Isle (look it up) gave us a suntan until today. So that is why I am here posting this blog post. This has nothing t