Why do some sites get indexed faster than others?

Last Update: July 06, 2012
This has really proved a puzzle to me and if anyone can throw some insight on the subject then please fire away.

There are two sites that I put real work into when I can. One promotes cat products and the other malt whiskies. Both now get sales (small) so potentially both worth working on more.

Here is the conundrum. For both of them I have pages with reviews and links to products and I use posts to raise topical stories as I find them in the news with links back to relevant pages, or just the stories for their own sake to encourage people to look at the site.

If I post up a malt whisky story it can take several days to be indexed, never mind ranked, by which time it is old news and losing its value (this was not always the way).

Today I posted to my cat site with the topical subject "dead cat fraud" 120 searches low QSR. 30 minutes later no 3 on Google UK for that search term!, Not in " " and not logged into Google either.

This is true of the two sites and gets me good traffic to the cat site but only a trickle to the whisky site (which potentially brings in big sales)

Anybody any ideas?
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morlandroger Premium
That could well be the case. I hope that the whisky site will end up like that also. Thanks Veronica
veronica.l Premium
Is your cat site looked as an "autority" site?? I have had the same thing happend to my "authority" sites the posts get ranked very quickly. It is almost like they are pre approved because of previous content on that site.
Then I have sites where it takes a long time to get my posts ranked... Like Rich said it might have to do with the topic as well.
morlandroger Premium
Thanks for that, it would make sense but it is frustrating. It did not use to happen to the whisky site so doubly annoying if Google is playing big brother
@RICH. Premium
Hi Roger. This is from a total noob, and hearsay at that but a mate told me a long while back that certain topics get indexed slower. He was talking about sites other than Google, but mentioned products like alcohol, pharmaceuticals and topics such as suicide, etc. get listed at a glacial pace, possibly due to examination or intervention. I know this is certainly true on ebay, where specific brands, such as Louis Vuitton, can take a long while before they show as auctions due to counterfeiting, etc. Just my 2¢ for what it's worth. Rich.