Page one of Google in Less Than an Hour!

Last Update: March 08, 2012

Yes you read that right. I have a growing blog in the cat niche. (yet to monetise properly) and I add topical stories from time to time as well as information pages.

I receive Google alerts on cats and a headline drew my attention. A postman in Windsor had killed a catt with his trolley lid after it climbed into it las March. He was just jailed yesterday. i took the story, rewrote it and posted it to my blog. FB, tweet, reddit, stumbled,and pinged it.

 Out of curiosity I wanted to see how long before Google indexed it so put the term "postman kills cat" into Rank Checker. Gobsmacked to see it was 1 on page one for after just 45 minutes. Did a UK search and it was no 3 Behind 2 national newspapers! And yes I was signed out of Google.

 According to Jaaxy this kw gets 100 searches a month but with the story hitting the national press it may get a lot more in the next 24 hours. Just amazed how fast it got there.

My short piece is at if anyone wants a look.

Gives me a bit of a buzz for the weekend.

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